Topics > Software Products > FAQ ID # 212

FAQ ID # 212
Open Settings
Last Update : 2021/06/09
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Question / Issue
Does your software support the EMB format?

Answer / Solution

The BuzzXplore will display low resolution bitmap images of your EMB format embroidery designs but cannot convert from or to this format.

If you have Wilcom software and would like to open your designs on-the-fly from BuzzXplore into your program, you can do so by doing the following:

  1. Open BuzzXplore and use the View > Options command.
  2. Select the EMB format entry and click on Edit Open Settings to open the following dialog box:

  3. Under Program Name choose Other
  4. Click on the Browse button and navigate to the location of your Wilcom software executable installed on your computer, select it and click OK.
  5. Click OK to close the Open Settings dialog box and click OK again to close the Options dialog box.

You should now be able to double click on an EMB file displayed in BuzzXplore and have it open into your Wilcom software.

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